py-extremes | | Production-quality Min and Max objects (adapted from PEP 326) |
py-face | | Command-line application framework (and CLI parser) |
py-factory-boy | | Test fixtures replacement for Python |
py-fancyimpute | | Matrix completion and feature imputation algorithms |
py-fanova | | Functional ANOVA |
py-fastapi | | Modern, fast (high-performance), web framework |
py-fastaudio | | Python bindings for portaudio library |
py-fastavro | | Fast read/write of AVRO files |
py-fastcluster | | Fast hierarchical clustering routines for R and Python |
py-fastdtw | | Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm with an O(N) |
py-fastparquet | | Python implementation of the parquet format, |
py-fatiando | | Geophysical direct and inverse modeling |
py-fcn | | Fully Convolutional Networks |
py-fcsparser | | Python package for reading raw fcs files |
py-fdasrsf | | Functional data analysis using the square root slope framework |
py-fealty | | Discretised field utilities |
py-fedmsg | | Fedora Messaging Client API |
py-fermilab | | Analyzing, compiling and emulating quantum algorithm for fermions |
py-feyn | | Easy-to-use Python library to help physicists draw Feynman diagrams |
py-ffmpeg-normalize | | Normalize audio via ffmpeg |
py-figleaf | | Figleaf is a Python code coverrage analysis tool |
py-fileinspector | | Module to determine file mimetypes |
py-fiona | | Fiona reads and writes spatial data files |
py-firehose | | Library for managing code analysis tool output |
py-fix-yahoo-finance | | Yahoo! Finance Fix for py-pandas_datareader |
py-fjd | | File-based job distribution for everyone |
py-flask-migrate | | SQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications |
py-flask-pwa | | Extends your Flask app into a PWA |
py-flask-simplelogin | | Flask Simple Login - Login Extension for Flask |
py-flatbuffers | | The FlatBuffers serialization format for Python |
py-flavio | | Flavour physics phenomenology in the Standard Model and beyond |
py-flipper | | Manipulating curves and measured laminations on surfaces |
py-fluiddyn | | Framework for studying fluid dynamics. |
py-fluids | | Fluid dynamics component of Chemical Engineering Design Library |
py-fmmlib | | Python wrappers for particle FMMs |
py-Fnorb | | CORBA 2.0 ORB for Python |
py-Fnorb-docs | | Documentation for py-Fnorb in HTML format |
py-fnss | | Fast creation and configuration of topologies, traffic matrices |
py-folium | | Visualize leaflet.js maps in python |
py-formulaLab | | Search Engine of Mathmatical Formulas Database |
py-forthon | | Fortran95 wrapper/code development package |
py-fortpy | | Fortran Parsing, Unit Testing and Intellisense |
py-freetype-py | | Freetype python bindings |
py-frida | | Dynamic instrumentation toolkit for developers, reverse-engineers, and security researchers |
py-frida-tools | | Dynamic instrumentation toolkit for developers, reverse-engineers, and security researchers (CLI tools) |
py-fssa | | Package for finite-size scaling analysis at phase transitions |
py-functions | | Functional programming in Python |
py-furo | | Clean customisable Sphinx documentation theme |
py-fwarp | | Tool to wrap Fortran 77/90/95 code in C, Cython & Python |
py-fwm-ensayo | | Fortran package to work with watersheds and do hydrologic |
py-fyzz | | SPARQL parser written in Python using yapps |
py-galgebra | | Symbolic Geometric Algebra/Calculus package for SymPy |
py-game-geometry | | Geometry environment for pygame |
py-gammafit | | Derivation of non-thermal particle distributions MCMC spectraly |
py-gaphas | | Gaphas is a GTK+ based diagramming widget |
py-gato | | Python-based toolbox to visualise algorithms on graphs |
py-gatspy | | General tools for Astronomical Time Series in Python |
py-gauss | | Python API for Analysis of Gaussian Quantum Chemical Compuations |
py-gbpy | | Calculating the geometric properties of interfaces in crystals |
py-gcalcli | | Google Calendar Command Line Interface |
py-gdal | | Translator library for raster geospatial data formats, Python binding |
py-gdxcc | | Python library to access and modify gdx files |
py-gem | | Math library for game programming in python |
py-genesis | | Run Genesis on a copy of a project template to create a new project |
py-Genetic | | Python-genetic provides genetic algorithms for Python |
py-gensim | | Python framework for fast Vector Space Modelling |
py-geocoder | | Simple and consistent geocoding library |
py-geographiclib | | The geodesic routines from GeographicLib |
py-geoip | | Pure Python GeoIP API |
py-geom | | Basic Vector Geometry Package for Python |
py-geometry-utils | | Functions for bidimensional and tridimensional arithmetic geometry |
py-geopandas | | Geographic pandas extensions |
py-geopy | | Python Geocoding Toolbox |
py-geppy | | Package for gene expression programming in Python |
py-gerrychain | | Markov chain Monte Carlo to analyze districting plans and gerrymanders |
py-gettext-tools | | Python tools for development of I18N Python apps |
py-ghalatawi | | Ghalatawi: Arabic AUtocorrec |
py-ginga | | Astronomical image viewer and toolkit |
py-git-code-debt | | Dashboard for monitoring code debt in a git repository | | | Python wrapper for the GitHub API |
py-glespy | | Bindings for GLESP for calculations with spherical harmonics |
py-glom | | Python's nested data operator (and CLI) |
py-gmane | | Utilities for the analysis of the GMANE email list database |
py-gmqtt | | Python async MQTT client |
py-gnm | | Python Gaussian Network Model |
py-go | | Needed to be installed to use the GO pygo package |
py-gogo | | Golang package navigator |
py-golangenv | | Manage golang in your virtualenv |
py-goless | | Provides a Go-like concurrent programming style in Python |
py-gom | | ODE modeling in Python |
py-google-cloud-bigquery | | Google BigQuery API client library |
py-google-cloud-core | | Google Cloud API client core library |
py-google-cloud-storage | | Google Cloud Storage API client library |
py-google-crc32c | | Python wrapper of the C library Google CRC32C |
py-google-resumable-media | | Utilities for Google Media Downloads and Resumable Uploads |
py-goose3 | | Html Content / Article Extractor, web scrapping for Python3 |
py-goreutilities | | Some utility functions useful for GoreLab members |
py-gorm | | Database-backed versions of the standard networkx graph classes |
py-gosam | | Automated One-Loop matrix element generator |
py-gotran | | Declarative language describing ordinary differential equations |
mk | | Subfolder |